"All you Dreadites rejoice: The Penny Dreadfuls of S.S. Icarus will be making their Midwest debut at Kamikazecon 2010! Some of the crazy folks behind the upcoming Steampunk World’s Fair (www.steampunkworldsfair.com) and the monthly dance and event night “The Big Brass Ball”, these steampiratess have been flying their sky-ship all over the Eastern US convention scene, pillaging and plundering since early 2008. They recently partnered with DogToon Media (www.dogtoonmedia.com/), Wicked Events,and Brian Viglione to create a short series of fun, satirical ads for “Steampunk”.
Making the Texas skies a little less safe for everyone (especially themselves) will be Captain Jeramiah Homer-Winslow, Whisper Merlot, Lucretia Dearfour, Professor Ulysses Marvel, and Alan! Be sure to follow their misadventures at www.ssicarus.wordpress.com to become a Dreadite in their Army of Dorkness!"
Making the Texas skies a little less safe for everyone (especially themselves) will be Captain Jeramiah Homer-Winslow, Whisper Merlot, Lucretia Dearfour, Professor Ulysses Marvel, and Alan! Be sure to follow their misadventures at www.ssicarus.wordpress.com to become a Dreadite in their Army of Dorkness!"
Check out the other guests at: http://www.kamikazecon.com/kkc3artist.php
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